In this story from the UK's News Telegraph, two American neuroscientician-types assert that it was not the Red Baron's final confrontation with an Aussie air pilot that crashed his majestic crimson Fokker and ended his career, but instead a head wound from a year previous, (courtesy the RAF, natch) that altered his behavior, created a reckless fixation on his enemies, and ultimately affected his judgment enough that he wasn't paying attention at the crucial moment when he got outflanked and shot down.
On a related note, I have been obsessed for some time with the story of Phineas Gage, and recommend reading An Odd Kind of Fame, the comprehensive book about this railman whose personality was irrevocably altered when a huge rail spike was blown through his frontal lobe. In short, Mr. Gage went from being a nice fellow to a total prick due to a huge fucking hole through his skull and brain. Think about how a migraine affects your personality, and this was way worse.
Now, I wonder... does anyone recall when a heroic snackfood tried to take out the President of the United States, President Monkeyface? He was watching a sporting event on television, instead of governing and such, when he choked on a pretzel, and fainted briefly, falling over and smacking his face on a piece of (now rounded off and padded for his safety) White House furniture. Fainting is bad enough for your brain cells, but what about smashing your face on the coffee table? Could this be analogous to Herr Von Richthofen's 4-inch skull groove, or Mr. Gage's spike path through his head? In both historic cases, men are seen to be "fixated" often to the point of "obsession." Sound like anyone we know? Could it be that this pretzel was not so heroic after all? Could it be that this pretzel has altered the course of human history by warping our President into a Saddam/Iraq-centered madman? Maybe all of Clarke's posturing about how they were "gunning for Saddam from the beginning" is just a cover for a larger, darker story? Once again, the Squidbag is on the case - and the case is ugly.
Further bulletins as events warrant - or until I suffer a grevious injury to my frontal lobes.
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