Otherwise known as "the Story of Thanksgiving." Or at least, this past weekend. Also called, "How I managed to miss seeing Mike Basford," (sorry, Mike) or, "How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Poppycock."
We have just today returned from our mini-vacation to the wilds of Wisconsin, and what a trip it was, what with the whirlwind of well, basically, it was a whirlwind of food. And friendship, of course, music and fun - but really, shit, man, there was a lot of food.
On Tuesday of last week, we bailed from Christie's school thinking we would shoot to the airport, duck out, and be in Madison by night. This was ultimately not to be, because Northwest Airlines sucks (see previous entries). So, we drove all night with Jody & Kathy, these random people we met as Memphis AIrport (never forget ya, gals) and got into the Madtown by 8:30 in the morning, rather than the 4 PM NWA said they could do. We spent Wednesday hanging out first with Greists (Ellen has a car epic to rival our plane one) and then with the Jester-Heling crew, eating too much and drinking good sweet hot coffee. When we got back to Jesse's house that night, Julia was in from work, and EP came by. We spent the evening playing Encore. I think I had maybe played this before, but I don't remember having fun with it previously. The title of this entry is taken from the groove on Julia's internal record during this game in which she was, irrevocably, stuck.
On Thursday, we were invited to Anne and Owen's Thanksgiving dinner, which was wonderful. I have had very good Milwaukee Thanksgiving experiences. There was good company, with Anne and Owen as very gracious host-type people, and Kate & Brian, Mike & Peg, and many of their family members and friends I hadn't met before. We went for a walk along Lake Michigan (which is not a salt-water body) played outside, and eventually, Max stole the chocolate mousse out of the refrigerator.
Friday was a day of rest and preparation, mostly, and it rained all day. I would have liked to have partcipated in "Buy Nothing Day," but I blew it pretty badly. I needed to get stuff to make dips and the Guinness ginger bread (once again, a hand for Mike Basford, ladies and gentlemen) for Saturday's festivities, and once we got to Room of One's Own for Arjuna's show, I ended up buying books, a calendar, and bumper stickers for pissing off Pensacolons. Arjuna's show was great, with a very different crowd than she had for the first Madison show I saw her at - and the show will have its own review on this blog. I was also introuduced to someone at the show who reads this blog - I was introduced as "Squidbag," which is a side-effect I hadn't anticipated of this thing.
After the show, we adjourned to Jesse & Julia's house for various things. There was alcohol and conversation and alcohol and more Encore, and Diane and Gwen and more and chilled out fun. I enjoyed myself, and awakened the next morning hung-over and rarin' to make dips and bake. Once everything was in readiness, it was time for the Ninth Annual Friend Thanksgiving, AKA Gwai-Lo Turkey Day, AKA an excuse to hang out and imbibe. This gave us the opportunity to see everyone we hadn't already seen, and too much of some people. My man Evan G was in full effect (well, unless you go and count his voice) and the Butler-Broad posse was there with cutest new addition, Raya. Though Colleen will never read this due to her Blogcotting policy, she was positively radiant with motherhood, and JB was daddying like a champ, I thought. Kid's adorable, too.
Ben's coming right along, and he's going to walk any second now. He's awfully playful and friendly, and I can't wait until he and Max can play without him getting stepped on a little. It was good to see Dug & Liv again, and Brian and Kate were once again in attendance, and I was glad to spend more time with them, given that our Nash visit had been truncated.
Major props to Jesse and Julia for their hospitality complete with bathroom with write-on walls, Ellen for Poppycock and dinosaurs, Josh & Amy for putting up with the 4:30 AM activity this morning, Evan for the massive Italian infusion to Thanksgiving, Liv, for her work with the Parsnip Awareness Council, Arj & Julia for uplifting musical experiences, in cars and otherwise, Brian for holding...the soundtrack to our lives...and for his mandolin accompaniment to Max's made-up game thing, Eric for the Hulk poster, Dug for the San Francisco Shit Story, and everyone who makes getting away from Pensacola the fun time it should be.
I love you guys.
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