Section 1: A Faith Is Born
Once, long ago, (about eight years) as we gathered around the fire on our Episcopalian communal kiwi plantation in South Florida, we ruminated on whether or not a fire was really a good idea in South Florida weather. As we contemplated this, we began to discuss it in depth, and in a much more poetic fashion, passing the chilled bottle of Thunderbird amongst us, and wondering how to throw off the yoke of our oppressive Episcopalian masters. Eventually, the fire burned out of control, and solved this dilemma for us, as we were thrown off the commune in order that we might seek jobs, and evade retribution at the hands of the Episcopals, by paying them back for the damage.
We needed, I thought, someone who could craft rhetoric, someone who could shape words, some for whom the act of creatively stringing together words and phrases was an act as natural as breathing, as shitting in the woods, as watching a bag blowing in the wind, as looking directly into the sun. We needed a poet, a person of words, someone who gave birth to phrases that stole the heart, and verses that cracked the protective shell of the soul. Someone who, with pen in hand, could bring about the revolution we would need to start our own church.
In the midst of this discussion, the name of famous beat poet Alan Ginsburg was bandied about. I saw but one problem with enlisting the help of Mr. Ginsburg, and I mentioned it.
“He’s dead.”
At the time, as others were quick to point out, he was not, and indeed he was scheduled to arrive in our little corner of the world, and flirt with young male New College first years very soon. Regardless, I remained unconvinced. I decided that whether or not Alan Ginsburg was dead, he was. I had believed this when I alleged it, why not continue to do so? Logic has no place in faith! This unyielding belief would become the rock of my faith. The strong mast to which I lashed myself in the storm, and screw getting a poet, it would become the foundation of my church. I declared myself Imperius Rex and Big Enchilada of the Temple of the Undead Celebrity, and began looking into tax-exempt status. There was but one who agreed with me, then, in my hour of strife and triumph, my faithful wife, C.G.C., and she became High Priestess, Pontificator, and Kick-Ass Momma of the Temple.
Thus Saith The C.G.C.: “When the topic of Allen Ginsberg originally arose from the shadowy depth of the collective primal brain, Garrett’s faith wavered. He called me via the hand held/touch tone communications device seeking answers. I, you see, was not at the important gathering. Instead I was doing some work society had deemed important in the earning of an oil skin paper. The future Big Enchilada imploringly inquired of me my knowledge of the eternal status of Allen Ginsberg. I told him that, yes, I too believed he was passed on. With his faith confirmed, The Big Enchilada went on to form the First Church of the Undead Celebrity, the Church to which I became High Priestess, Pontificator, and Kick Ass Momma. You see, behind every brilliant man is the craziness of a Red Hot Kick Ass Woman.”
Thus, an idea, nay, a faith entire, was born.
Fuckin’ drama queens.
Section 2: The First Test of Mettle for an Acolyte
Jonathan Broad, or Jay-BEE, had been a follower of Temple doctrine from the very beginning. He had seen our behaviors, our services, our crazed rantings beneath the stars, and he was intrigued. He was heard to mumble to himself on several occasions, and once was heard to say, “What the fuck?!?” Future first convert and eventual Lord High Priest of the Temple Jay-BEE would soon find out what the fuck. What the fuck, indeed.
I remember the evening well, one of the moonless boring hot variety that so frequently occurs in South Florida. Jon burst into our apartment - clad only in sackcloth and a duck - during some very important drinking and smoking to announce that comedian, actor, and beloved children’s entertainer Chris Rock was dead, an apparent suicide. Apparently, the story went, Chris had found out that his girlfriend was either AIDS positive or hooked on smack, and he had blown his brains out. A shockwave went through us all, but in the hearts of some, there was suspicion that Chris yet lived. A lurking, damned thing, this suspicion. A vile, evil thing that would soon be destroyed. Chris Rock’s rocket ride into superstardom began shortly thereafter, and so did acolyte Jon’s greatest test. Rock hosted a couple of sets of MTV awards, appeared in a number of 1-800-COLLECT commercials, and made not only one of Chris Farley’s final movies, but also appeared in the highly profiled 4th Lethal Weapon movie, alongside Jet Li, who I only mention ‘cause it’ll make Jim Moore happy. Just after this, Rock began hosting his own late night TV forum on HBO, and made another comedy special for the same network. “That Chris,” some said, “he’s something else.”
As Rock's career continued with movies and specials on HBO, JB was tested. In spite of this, in spite of all the slings and barbs life had chosen to throw at Jonathan Broad, his faith never wavered. Vacillating wildly between his “Android Replacement” and “Government Conspiracy” explanations, (and often fusing the two) Jon scrambled to protect what he knew was the truth. To this day, Jonathan Broad, or Lord High Priest Jay-BEE to you, still maintains that Chris Rock is dead, and nothing can change that, not logic, not the testimony of others, and not the vast proliferation of empirical evidence available to people the world over. His is the faith of mountains, of mountain men, of Mountain Dew, of Dr. Pepper, Dr. Fine, and Dr. Howard. It’s a white-hot, phosphorus kind of faith, a faith that could burn your face off and then run away and watch snuff movies all night eating pretzels. His is a faith that spans the miles, children. Learn from it.
Section 3: Our First Kill, and The Temple Gets Going
It was a tumultuous weekend, and on that Saturday night, New College threw one of its pretty little Bacchanals, otherwise known as a Wall. I attended the Wall that night, to hear the latest sounds, take the latest chemicals, and have too much to drink. It is, after all, what is done at a Wall, except for the latest sounds part. Walls tend to begin late, and go on ‘til the early morn. This one was no exception, and it was around two A.M. when the music paused as someone switched tapes, (this was back in the age of tapes, see) and the announcement came forth from one of the party people:
“Alan Ginsburg is dead!”
At last, thought I, people are coming around! I drained my mugful of vodka and shouted,
“I told you so!”
Truly, a declaration of purpose. There is no doubt that people sit up and take notice when the clarion call of “I told you so” rings forth. The music started back up, but the Wall was not the same, and neither was the world. They all sensed it, a new presence, a new force in the cosmic scheme of things. The Temple of the Undead Celebrity was walking among them, right where they could see, and our purpose would not be denied.
After that, the converts really started rolling in. Our members now include:
· Garrett C. Crowell, Imperius Rex and Big Enchilada, author of the Manifesto
· my clone
· C. "No Last Name", High Priestess, Pontificator, and Kick-Ass Momma
· Jonathan Broad, or Jay-BEE, Lord High Priest and Selector of Martyrs
· Eric S. Piotrowski, Master of the Sect of Culture & References Obscura
· Joshua Heling, Digital Overlord and Chief Decorator
· Douglas Andrew MacDonald, Hip-Hop Monster & Believer in Sand (the many small rocks of faith)
· Michael Pomraning, Bishop of Weller & Duccommun
We have added to the ranks of the Temple’s “dead” roster as well. In addition to the aforementioned Ginsburg and Rock deaths, we now also have:
· Piers Anthony (there is a computer program which writes his books in his style)
· Dean R. Koontz (there is a monkey which writes books in his style named Dean Koontz, hence the dropping of the “R” a few years back)
· Robert Stack (who’s been dead for years, but functions as a zombie)
· Dick Clark (I mean, come on…)
· one of the Olsen twins
And others I currently can’t remember! You too can add to the list! Join now by posting a comment which includes your reasoning why a given celebrity is dead, but the general public seems to avoid talking about it! Also, as a church, we can always use your money, so just send stacks of cash, or checks, or money orders, or government bonds or loose change or foreign currency or shiny shells and rocks, or raw sugar or crude oil or animal pelts out to the Temple of the Undead Celebrity at:
Big Enchilada c/o the Temple of the Undead Celebrity
666 Skyclad Jesus Way
Horrible Fucks, FL 32533
We appreciate whatever you can send, and the more you send, the more we appreciate it! Help us carry on a semi-grand tradition, and join a church you can live with! The Temple of the Undead Celebrity!
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