Christie and Max pulled out this afternoon headed for first Nashville, and then Wisconsin. I can't go because of my job. I am meeting them in Nashville on the 10th of June, however, on their way back from the vacation, so that C & I can do our 10th anniversary in a bed & breakfast she picked out. I'm sitting here realizing that by doing that, I will have worked four four-day weeks in a row. I guess that'll keep me from turning into one of those people I know who dedicate their lives to a faceless, soulless corporation, struggling throughout the many years to convince themselves that it matters, that a difference has been made - only to find that, if they make it to pension and retirement without getting the axe for some real or imagined infraction that probably matters not a gnat's fart in a hurricane, they have given up the only life they will ever have (unless they're Hindu) to sell stuff. To further ram product and commodity down into the unfeeling and uncaring gullets of the capitalistic masses who already have so much fucking bric-a-brac they're choking our mudball with their garbage and shit and cast-off waste. I'm not sure if I was ever in any particular terrible danger from this, but this seems like a good additional precaution, this taking of the time off.
It's weird, because I tell people that my wife and kid are out of town for a couple of weeks, and I frequently get one of the two same responses: "What are you going to get up to with them gone?" or, "Bet you'll enjoy the break." The first one curdles my blood (because my blood is easily curdled) because it seems to imply that I can now finally cut loose and have those cocaine & hooker parties where we kill a virgin at dawn and summon the Dread Lord Cthulhu that I've had on the back burner all this time. The second one bothers me because of what it implies about everyone else. No, I don't particularly "enjoy the break." I get everything I need to do done within hours, and then find myself with eons to kill. I don't live with these people because I have to, I live with them because I want to. Even a child, you can choose to have, and then mold into someone you'd like to live with. I'm sure this will grow more difficult - but still, you see my point. I have a car, I could leave whenever I want to - check the papers, people (and especially men) do it all the time. Aside from the fact that I would instantly become an asshole for life, there's nothing stopping me from leaving. Except desire and willpower. All relationships are built on that. You have desire most of the time, and when that isn't doing it for you, you kick in that will to keep at the thing. When you find yourself using more will than desire - time to check yourself before you become an Ice Cube song. I can only assume these people around me are unhappy at home. Which would explain a lot. Especially about the way they dress.
You can tell the house is quiet, though - my run-ons are a lot worse.
Anyway, I felt the need to share some stuff, like this - MTV has apparently been cowed by the dogs at the White House - and you know they're dogs, that place went to the dogs long ago - and got into an argument about NIN performing a song in front of an image of Prez Dubya Monkeyface. That gave Trent Reznor the opportunity to say this, which I thought was great: "We were set to perform 'The Hand That Feeds' with an unmolested, straightforward image of George W. Bush as the backdrop. Apparently, the image of our president is as offensive to MTV as it is to me." Feels good to have a band you've been listening to since jump take a stand now and again.
Then there's this, which is pretty screwed up, about a woman who's being brought up on charges for helping her daughter get an abortion after the girl was impregnated by her stepfather. (This is Broward County, ya'll. COPS started here.) What the fuck, people? I see a case of incest, I see parental consent - what more do you fuckers want? We have a spokesman for the cops saying, "She was protecting her daughter and her husband, thinking we would not have any evidence and would not be able to pursue it." Oh, that's alright then. I suppose that's the only possible explanation. It couldn't have had anything to do with this woman not wanting her daughter to carry to term the spawn of a rape, compounding the crime and ruining the lives of at least four people? Yeah, probably not. I mean, the cops said and everything.
In other news of the South, the KKK is making a comeback - maybe - in Durham, NC. Shit. Well, I can say something positive about Pensacola, here, which I have been encouraged to do whenever I see the opportunity (which is damn seldom) - I have never seen anyone burn a cross in Pensacola, FL. And it's not like there aren't crosses to go around. We got thousands. Come on down and get one, they're just a-sittin' around every damn place. I can't think of the Klan without thinking of the scene in American History X when Lamont, the guy Derek has to work with in the prison laundry makes fun of them by putting a white sheet over his head and doing some good 'cracker' impressions. Well, that and this cover from Preacher.
So, yeah - with all that out, I think I'm going to go see Sahara and XXX: State of the Union at the Silver Screen tonight. Each movie will cost me a buck, so how bad can they really be? Anyway, as I've mentioned, the Silver Screen has tables and chairs, and the best snack bar (with beer) you can imagine. That's a plan.
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