Not a good week to be a Republican, it seems.
First, there's bitch-boy Michael "Rightupaya" Brown getting up there in front of the House Panel on Investigating Who Dropped the Fucking Ball and blaming everyone from Mayor of New Orleans Ray Nagin to Louisiana Governor Kathleen Blanco for all the dead and screwed people, and not taking any of the blame himself. What a dick. Listen, Mike - and I think there's a statistician or two out there who'll back me up on this, but some of it gotta be your fault. Here's the thing; you was in charge of the Federal EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT Agency, and the emergency got clusterfucked into the soup, so chances are, you didn't do your job. You admitted that you were overwhelmed, you admitted that you fell short, you admitted that you has too little resources...maybe you're unclear on what "fault" means. Regardless, Mike's attitude sucked, you can tell he's not looking forward to being the scapegoat on this for the rest of his life, and he resorted to partisanism and invoking the faith-based to try and wriggle out of it. Trouble is, we saw you fuck up on television.
Next up, we had John G. Roberts getting confirmed, which was good for the GOP, but it seems like there's some serious blood in the water regarding this next nominee. That's all anyone was focused on there for two days. Sort of a sense that people smell a President with a low-approval rating right now, and the whole Roberts thing kind of got eclipsed by the rumblings about "who the President better nominate" to replace the outgoing swinger, Sandy Day.
The Wonder Twins, Tom Delay and Billy Frist, going under the bright glare of the investigative lights might have something to do with that low-ass approval rating. First, Sen. Frist's possible insider trading of his HCA stock which was in a "blind-but-apparently-not-deaf" trust got mysteriously sold when it was most advantageous for him, but he says it was to "avoid the appearance of conflicts of interest." I think we can safely say it failed spectacularly in that regard. Senator Frist is from Tennessee, folks - my home state. HCA has been large and in charge down there for as long as I can remember. There's no doubt in mind he was looking to tally Benjamins when he unloaded that shit. I bet Martha's cell is really nice, Bill. Then there's Tom. Tom got indicted, and his guy he picked to do his job as Majority Leader got the shaft, too. 'Cause of those goddamn zealot Democrat prosecutors. We all know Tom's dirty - NEXT!
For your entertainment, now we have Bill Bennett, who said this week, "you could abort every black baby in this country, and your crime rate would go down." Only in this fucking country, in this day and age, with all that has preceded this moment, would people like us have the balls to discuss "context" when it comes to something like this. Nevertheless, former drug addict Rush Limbaugh (and others right wingnuts, I'm sure) are taking that position, that he was quoted out of context. Go read the damned context then, and see if you can swallow that more easily. Racist fucking bigmouth.
And finally, there's Judith Miller, fresh from an 85 day stay at the Greystone Inn, popping up to testify - now that her protected source has let her off the hook and out of jail - that one of her sources for the information in the Plame CIA felony leak case came from I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, the Chief of Staff to Dick Cheney. Him plus Karl Rove equals egg on the face of this President, who, as I seem to recall, told us that he'd fire anyone who did this, and claimed that, as far as he knew, it hadn't happened. So - the question becomes, what did the President know and when did he know it?
Now - if only there was some decisive Democratic leadership that could jump in here and take the reins now that some of the shit's hitting the fan...
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