The Iraqis had their shot at one, (and it looks like they may have pulled it off) now I want one, too! I've been looking around and often listening to a bunch of the world lately, and since I can't seem to get my hands on any hostages, power, or a tactical nuke, I've decided to take a red pen to the Constitution of the United States. I know, I know, "the Constitution is a living, breathing document." Fine. Think of this as a necessary surgery, if you must, but it's time for a NEW Constitution, one that's totally in your face! Except for the "silent s" form throughout. You, know, when you get to write "Congrefs" instead of "Congress." I have always loved that, and it confuses people in other countries, so we'll be keeping that. If you don't like it, kifs my afs.
I have a bunch of adjustments so I'll start with just a few, and then collect your feedback which I can then ignore, and do whatever I was going to do in the first place. This is referred to as the "Bush Administration Method." Speaking of the POTUS, wouldn't you know it, he's the subject of my first big change! No more Secret Service Security detail for the President. Too expensive, way over the top. We need an accessible President, one we can hit with our fists, and maybe an axe handle. If the President needs to protect himself from We the People, let the fucker buy & carry a gun. Say what you will about Andrew Jackson (go ahead, I'll wait) he had the style of White House we need today - you could go in, wander around, talk to the Prez if he's not busy, maybe steal a candlestick on your way out. Time for a return to the Jackson White House! Not the creepy one in Santa Barbara with the child molester, the one with the genocidal redneck on the twenty.
No more white male Presidents, either. I don't know if you've ever taken a look at one of those kids' placemats with all the Presidents on it, but it's a festival of over-forty white men. The ONLY variations are political parties and religions. I am bored with this trend, (and my government, obviously) and think it should be bucked completely out of existence. The next President should be a half-Hispanic, half-Native American Wiccan lesbian with piercing green eyes and a propensity for public displays of affection. Failing that, we need to make room for some Jewish, left-handed, red-headed Voodoo preistesses in the fucking White House. Maybe you think this is an over-the-top form of affirmative action, and unfair. Fuck you.
Killing people in any way is from henceforth illegal - unless you are a private citizen. No organizations, governments, states, municipalities, or politicians are allowed to kill people any more. You can kill someone if you're a private citizen, but there are seasonal limits, rules, and you have to apply for and be granted - by your local governing body - a killing license. They have to approve your killing, and they're going to notify the victim in the process, so there's much more of a sporting chance here. Unauthorized killing will be judged on a case-by-case basis. And no more guns. I don't like guns unless they're for target shooting, and you don't need to be practicing with targets unless you're going to shoot something else later, and you're not, 'cause there are no more guns. You want to kill something, get your license and have some fucking backbone about it - use a chair leg or the phone book, some elaborate drugs, I don't care, just no more guns. We'll discuss edged weapons.
No more penned animals. You want to pet something, go find it. You want to eat something, kill it yourself (once you get your license), bring it back, prepare it, and eat it. If you catch shit about it from someone, eat them. Once you get your license.
Everyone takes an IQ test, once a year. Scores will be adjusted for environment and circumstance, but if you're getting dumber, you have to go away. There will be modeling clay and birds where you go - you might like it there. We'll give you five years to get your score back up - we need a trend in order to properly judge you - but after that, it's the happy home, and there ain't no coming back. I think this policy would have spared us the current government, reality television, most of the porn industry, and a great many morning radio shows, so before you judge too harshly - it'd be worth that, wouldn't it?
If you have cable television, you are no longer allowed to vote. I know this is going to upset a lot of you, but since there are no more guns, you'll just have to hear me out. Elections are about mainstreaming the actual choices down to two or three, in order to make it look like we can all pick from one of those and be happy. If you have cable, you've already proven that you cannot effectively do that, and besides, you get your news from cable, and thus - should not be allowed to vote anyway. If you have cable and give money to your local public radio station, an exemption will be made for you. If you have cable, TiVo, a video game system, superfast Internet, DVD, VCR, Betamax, a Googlephonic stereo system with a moonrock needle and snacks - well, lock your fucking doors and stay inside. You don't need the Revolution. TiVo the Revolution, then watch it when the fires go out. Burn me a DVD.
Now, like I said, these are just some preliminary changes, and the direction in which this goes could be determined by your suggestions and your feedback. Or, if I get the bomb, I'll just drop the whole thing. Take that any way you like. Slim Pickens rules.
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