You had to know this one was coming eventually. There've been like, seven of these kind of leading up to this one, and world events coupled with those in my own life multiplied by the fact that I cycle back around to the question of belief outside of one's self every fourteen months or so amounts to this entry. If you prefer the ones about books, urine, or the President - they'll be along. For now though, this is what we have.
The most recent flap in the news - aside from the fact that Pat Robertson, inexplicably, still lives - is that the Muslims are burning embassies & things and protesting because a bunch of heretic newspapers are making fun of the Prophet. A Danish lawyer has been shot, and people are dead over this thing now. Over cartoons. Just to get it out of the way, let's look at how this bullshit started. The Danes get pissy with the Muslims 'cause they get pissy over everything they perceive as an affront to them, their God, and their holy man, so they whip up a little challenge - "I bet none of you fuckers will draw me some cartoons of Mohammed." And of course, lots of fuckers did. Then, the Muslim community all over the globe goes completely berserk - taking the bait - and starts burning things and killing people, because, to quote the guy in the article I linked to back there, "They must respect our religion."
Okay - no. No one must respect your religion. They really don't have to, and you can't make them. You especially can't make them by blowing stuff up and killing people. Check history. You can even outlaw other religions, and the rats just go underground and get more fervent, and often, weird. The best that you can hope for is uneasy tolerance between completely divided motherfuckers who all believe everyone else is wrong. As you all probably know by now, I don't respect anyone's religion. I respect people, ones who don't blow stuff up and kill people, and who keep their faith cards mostly pretty close to their vests, and who never EVER fuck around like this in the name of nebulous, made-up creator beings who lay down a bunch of cheap and restrictive rules that seek to limit human potential by bricking up thought and throwing stumbling blocks in the way of advancement and community.
This whole thing is stupid, anyway. You took the bait, guys. You're proving a point nobody but a bunch of racist Danes wanted proven. Way to go. Also - why is it wrong for non-Muslims to represent Mohammed? Can you sin if you're outside of the religion? Kind of like breaking the laws of a country you're not in. Pesky logic.
Asshole religious people are all over the news (and thus, the planet, like roaches) these days. I can't think of the number of times my wife has tried to get someone to react to this: "By allowing radical Islam to work its will...we would signal to all that we no longer believe in our own ideals, or even in our own courage. But our enemies and our friends can be certain: The United States will never retreat from the world, and we will never surrender to evil." Did the President of the United States just refer to a radical religious movement as evil? A man who supposedly talks to God every day (no word yet on if He talks back - I bet He does) and referred to our wars in the Mideast as "this crusade" before angry Arabs (and nervous Euros) made him take it back? Does any radical religious movement that kills people (abortion doctors, death row inmates, scores of Iraqis & Afghanis) qualify as evil, or do they have to be Islamic? Or "Islamists," I think we say that now, to distinguish between your regular, everyday Moslem and guys who turn toward Al's Bomb Barn five times a day.
Then there's Fred fucking Phelps, who I would kill right now with my bare hands in front of a crowd if I didn't think his moron minions would make him a martyr. (Also, my wife nixes me killing anyone. Jail, jail, jail vs. responsibility to my family - all that jazz.) This prick and his "God Hates Fags" people are cactus needles soaked in piss and habanero stuck directly into the eyes of everything good and decent some religious people have ever accomplished. (Yes, I linked to it - I want you to be as mad as I am. Go look.) Did you know he's doing his thing at funerals now? Did you know he's going to shit on the memory of Coretta Scott King? I'd like to see him get the shit kicked out of him by a bunch of flaming fairies, I really would. The biggest, gayest people you could find. A dyke motorcycle group would be ideal. Or just a drag queen with some serious heels.
I'm so tired of this shit. These guys aren't aberrations, either. Fundamentalists are a cancer on organized religion, which already had some serious fucking problems. And it's a big cancer. Like a big, distracting facial tumor over dinner. The rise of the dittohead in global religious systems is deeply horrifying, and turns my blood to ice water with little Titanics sinking in it. Complete with screaming passengers and screwed people in steerage. What bothers me about this whole belief thing is not that so many people believe, it's that they think they believe exactly the same thing as the guy next to them. And that's crap. Talk to people. (I force myself to do it all the time.) In real life, Person A does not believe the same things I do. And neither do you. No one believes the things I do. But these people in churches, at protests, in crowds and at riots, are they easily led automatons, or is it the lack of real, genuine, organically formed (no, not that tasteless shit at the health food store) community that drives them to accept what's given them, or worse - to make one up? We laugh when it's Rush or O'Reilly, but not when it's a pastor, the Pope, or a prophet. Why not? It's just words. You chose to venerate this source over that one. The rest of us could give a damn.
I don't know what I am anymore. Mad. Too mad for any Eastern religion, I'd wager. When others seek to classify me, I have to be "not them," and that needs a verbal shorthand. Agnostic? Hmmm - does that go far enough? Atheism appeals to me, except that I run into so many religious people who want it to be an active belief system, thus missing the point entirely. I'd like to keep an open mind, but so many of the options just suck. I like what Vonnegut has to say on the subject: "Something wonderful is going on; I do not doubt it. The explanations for it do not satisfy me." I don't think it's any good to have one belief that rides on your back after you decide to have faith in it (and faith is a decision). I think it makes you retarded to single out one belief that way. It's not good exercise for your brain. Hear me out. Albert Einstein - who I'm going to go out on a limb and say was smarter than Phelps, radical Muslims, the Pope, Monkeyface, and Pat Robertson all put together - did not find a contradiction between his scientific training revealing to him that "much of what is in the Bible cannot be true," and his belief that "God does not play dice with the universe," his rejection of quantum physics. His associates all say of Einstein that he was a believer in many things, and that he felt as though the universe was being manipulated in some way - though not by the God of the Bible or any other holy book. Just manipulated, maybe. It's a bigger maybe for some of us than others. But your brain can handle it. Try. I am Yoda.
It's really not that hard, that 'maybe.' Instead of choosing to be committed to invisible things outside your own community, or books of epic poems, allegories and parables that are predated by China and even Stonehenge, or to some icon, idol, or ideology - what about just listening to your gut for a change? It's just a suggestion - far be it from me to tell anyone what to do.
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