So, I got scooped by everyone on this one, but most notably by Trogglehumper, whose was the first blog I saw with Cheney/shotgun jokes on it after I heard about the incident. What REALLY sucks was hearing my joke in Jay Leno's monologue (on CNN before the show aired) before I could get it in here. The lawyer jokes are easy, the WMD jokes are easy - what impresses me is the restraint the major news agencies have shown up to this point. You don't think so? I would never have allowed a story about this to go out without including the phrase "shot in the face." I think it contains something important about the event. I could shoot you in the face with a Nerf dart gun and you'd be upset. And let's stop all this talk about how small bird shot is. I don't care how small it is. SHOT IN THE FACE. I bet it's big enough to really piss you off, at least. The real story, of course (aside from the illegality of the hunting, which we in Escambia County know all about) is the 22 hour cover-up, which helped them duck the Sunday talk shows, and inadvertantly extended the potential life of this thing. They were shockingly candid about why they did this: McClellan says as much when he points out that the Veep's office "worked with" Mrs. Armstrong in controlling the outflow of information. What's with all the secrecy and behind the scenes movement? At least when the Clintons shot someone, they were good enough to kill the person outright and then leave the body in public view.
In other news silliness yesterday, apparently you have to be a schmuck to be in authority in Iraq, not just in the US. The new guy in the Dujail trial (wow, that was hard to spell) keeps getting into these weird back-and-forths with his defendants and witnesses, thus undermining his authority even further. The English are under fire again for beating up Iraqi boys - with cheering caught on video no less. I would let you hear it, but NPR's website cut it out. Can't archive it, my ass.
I'm pretty much ignoring the Olympics. Let me know when hockey starts.
I liked the Super Bowl this year, even though there was no titty. (Yeah, I know it was two weeks ago - I wanted to make sure Matt caught the game on TiVo before I gave it away.) I'm sick and fucking tired of people crapping on the Super Bowl - it was a good game this year, stumping even Smooth Jimmy Apollo. Sometimes the bowl game sucks - even a lot of the time - but it's worth watching for when it's like this one was, suspicious calls and all. (By halftime, I had begun to suspect that the officials might have some money on the Steelers.) And you curs who "watch the game for the commercials?" You should all be destroyed. Destroyed all.
I've been kind of overwhelmed lately - what with trying to get a new job in a new state, C's bun in the oven, (if she'd go microwave, these kids would only take a couple of months, tops - "Nine months? I want it now.") fixing up the house and yard and walls and shit to sell this house, taking care of loose ends financial and otherwise, my crazy fucking in-laws, and my buddy Jones back in the hospital for the fourth time in under a year for his ticker - fuck, man. That doesn't even cover shake-ups at my job, the side projects I'm trying to get done, or my normal family interactions. Some days I look in a mirror and think about peeling off my eyeskins just to watch myself do it. No, not really. But I think about thinking about that. Taking all of that into account should explain why I haven't blogged in about a week or so - okay, Guy from Europe? Plus, I was kind of wondering if anyone would actually read and then wade into the water with me on that last entry. Only Matt deigned to comment, so - thanks, Matt!
Anyway, I spread Squidlove at Valentine's Day , so have a good one. Don't shoot anybody. In the face.
(The Squidbag from a year ago today is really sexy.)