Max is five years old today. This year for his birthday he wanted a lot more things than he has asked for in previous years, but he wanted a smaller gathering - just a couple of friends at Chuck E. Cheese. Hopefully, this does not signal a trend in things over people. I'm not too worried.
Max loves his baby sister, and a few nights ago, went so far as to let her know that he loves her even when she's screaming and crying. This was actually while she was screaming and crying. He usually kisses her head before I take him off to "school" in the mornings.
Max's favorite Pensacola restaurant is King Buffet Chinese. He likes the chicken with red sauce, the fresh fruit and broccoli. He does not care about fortune cookies, sushi, or shrimp with tails on them.
I like going into Max's room, because you have to kind of reconstruct what he's been up to. Last night, I walked in to see my stolen Homestar Runner people (in there since The Game) up to their necks (if they had necks) in Silly Putty. The pirate ship is in a state of disrepair, having put down anchor near Godzilla. Max's capes and musical instruments are strewn all over the floor, as are his action figures and cars. His tent has a number of comics and the pillow in the tent has his headprint in it still. It's starting to look like a boy's room, what with the half-finished things, artwork, socks, toys and various things scattered in what I can only describe as an "active mess" in the same way that the US Constitution is a living document.
Max's favorite game, by far, is "Let's make up ___________." The blank contains "superheroes," "aliens," "good guys & bad guys," "inventions" or "animals." Max's recent inventions include an "Old Tree Smasher" for taking down rotten timber, a "Flying Saucer for Kids," for getting kids across town without having to ride in the back, a "Sock Collector" for picking up dirty socks, and a "Door Hand" for opening troublesome doors.
On Monday, Max went ecological on me, and related to me, from the forefront of his imagination, the plight of the Rolling M, a creature that occurs in nature, but has been hounded to near-extinction because people make too much noise with their food, cars, guns and smoke. Most of the Rolling Ms come from Pluto, and they get around on this planet on skateboards, which they hold onto with glue. We have just about chased all of the Rolling Ms off of Earth, and it won't be long before we're in big trouble with Pluto.
Max sleeps every night in his Spider-Man sleeping bag, zipped up with Kermit the Frog, Elmo the Monster, Stillwater the Panda, and Spongebob Squarepants. He often tucks whatever book or toy is important right then under his pillow as well. He is a recent fan of the Captain Underpants books, so those are often the choice.
I read Max comments left for him, so I hope you'll all wish Max a good fifth!
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