Yesterday, Max introduced me to the Create Your Own Superhero application on the Marvel Comics website, and I, in turn, showed it to C. This proceeded to fuck up our whole family's collective ability to be productive, sucking up a couple of hours of yesterday. I decided that having subjected you, my fair readers, to a dearth of posts over the past week or so, I would show you some of our family's efforts, and invite you to create and send me yours.
At left are Squidbag, bearded large hero of the wastelands, and possible new mascot for this blog, who looks a bit like the Hulk's uncle; Power Sword, Max's creation who fights "evil everywhere;" Kick Ass Bird Chick, my attempt at making a viable-looking Marvel Superhero; and Gaydar, C's openly gay avenger for equal rights for everyone, regardless of race, gender, or sexual orientation.