With less than 100 days left until the election that will (maybe) decide the direction of this country for the next four years, I wanted to see if I could help some of you potential voters out with your upcoming Autumnal decision. First off, we need to clear something up: A vote for McCain is the wrong vote. It is unwise, ridiculous and stupid of you to vote for McCain, and many of you will only do it out of spite, which is also wrong. I know what you're thinking: "Ah, come on - this is a little much, isn't it? He's really lost it, now. I mean, "wrong," really?" Yes, really. Fuck you. No it is not a little much, though I may have lost it a little. That was like, four years ago now, though. Let me help you now to see your wrongness. I am a concerned and humble citizen, who's just looking to help some people out. You see so many people voting wrong nowadays - I just wanted to do my part. Let's get to it, shall we?
Some of you will not vote for Obama for President of the US because you are Republicans and he is a Democrat, and we have in this country what we bullshit ourselves into thinking is a "two-party system." If you are a Republican, then you are either wealthy, and interested in protecting what you have and amassing more, or you are a selfish greedhead who's hoping to become wealthy, and looking to cover his pirate chest & ample American ass when the time comes. Both of these groups are filled with people who are wrong. They are hatefully anti-humanist & opportunistic, because they don't give a fuck for anyone but themselves, and they respect a theoretical free-market capitalism more than people. So they are all wrong. Not misguided, or representative of a different set of choices - WRONG. As opposed to right, that thing that they claim to be.
Now - if you are a Republican and you do not fall into either the "wealthy" or "hoping to become so" category, then you are likely what is referred to as a "single-issue voter" and as such, also WRONG. If you could ever possibly believe that a leader of any nation should be chosen based solely upon how you feel about abortion, Mexicans, Wal-Mart, Iraq, invisible gods, warning labels, food additives, music, video games, homosexuality, defense, taxes, any book more than 100 years old, or really - anything else, then you do not deserve to vote. No single issue defines any person, any nation, or the contemporary American experience, and to allow one issue to make up your mind for you is lazy, inconsiderate, anti-intellectual, and morally wrong.
Of course, there are also single-issue Democrats, but as long as they're voting for Obama in 2008 and not voting WRONG, I have time to deal with them on an individual basis. Please send me names, addresses, and gas money, and I'll make sure they are all seen to in turn.
The next reason, and the one most similar to being Republican (and arguably more foolish), is that many people will vote for McCain - the wrong choice - because they seek to continue the egregiously failed and worthless policies of the Monkeyface administration, a group of people so desperate for some kind of legacy as they spin around the toilet drain of history that they are willing to reach out to anyone and anything, including nations once branded as parts of the "Axis of Evil." Remember that? "Bring it on?" "If you're not with us, you're against us?" The Monkeyface White House is a testament to failure: No Osama, seven years later. The man's head should be on a pike in the Oval Office, instead, his driver has been convicted. Wow. No success in either Iraq or Afghanistan, and no plans for fixing either mess. Only an idiot would invade Afghanistan, with it's 50 plus years of side-swapping and invader repulsion, and seek to effect permanent change. That's right, people: Pat Tillman died for NOTHING. There was no plan, and no reason to be there. And while "the surge" may have provided some moderate successes, they are only successes compared to the previous mess. We are so strung out by the Iraq War that we are willing to view "slightly less chaos" as a success. That's a seriously low bar. We're negotiating with Iran and North Korea now, which makes you wonder what the previous wasted time during which we stood about, bullheadedly rattling our giant sabre was for. Just making a point? What was the fucking point?!? No peace in Israel / Palestine. No surpluses in the economy. A housing market in shambles, high gas prices, squandered global goodwill, instability in hostile countries, and 3000 unavenged dead. I read a lot of comic books, and this sounds like how a super-villain would manage the US. That's a legacy for you: Dr. Doom and Lex Luthor have both been President. Without Cheney to back them up. Cheney reminds me of Arnim Zola anyway. I don't really know exactly why.
For all his attempts to distance himself from the Monkey, McCain would continue a lot of the muddled thinking, the half-assed attempts to rectify things gone horribly wrong, the botched "changes" that are really only mutations of previous failed policies. If you're listening carefully, he's looking to invade Pakistan. Sort of. Kind of. I guess. Shut up. He's got nothing new. Which leads me to my next point about why voting for him is WRONG. For those of you, presumably in the cheapest seats, since that's all anyone can afford anymore, who remain unconvinced.
I keep hearing this argument about not electing Obama because he's inexperienced. "Oh sure, he talks a big line, and he's got all these ideas, but what has he done?" Well, he hasn't wrecked the country. I'm sorry, but answer this question for me, all you "I'm not voting for Mr. Inexperience over here" fuckers: Say you run a company. There are two applicants for the job, and one guy's got a lot of years on the job but no real new ideas about how to do stuff. The other guy's not done this very much before, if at all, but he's enthusiastic, smart, and comes to the job with a lot of things he wants to try. Who you going to hire? Obama. You're goddamn right. Leaving aside for the moment that Affirmative Action would probably make you hire Obama, you'd bring him on anyway, because he's going to have zeal for the job, shit he wants to try, a plan for implementation and problem solving skills. The man's a talker and a doer, and it's the one lasting legacy of the current administration that we no longer believe our politicians can be effective public speakers, much less do anything. On November's card we're going to have (relatively) No Experience VS. No Ideas, and I'm ringside for No Experience. This is a bullshit argument, it has no currency when measured against actual events and facts, and furthermore, it's WRONG. Next!
"Ah, but John McCain is a bona fide war hero. He's given a lot to this country, and he deserves to President." That may all be true. Really, it might. I have two reasons why, no matter how true this argument might be, that it is still wrong, though. (If you're still having trouble with something being true and also wrong, you might want to read your daily news a little more carefully. Pay close attention to Darfur, China, and any of those items where family members abuse one another.) First, if this argument had any weight and bearing, it would have been just as vital when McCain ran against Karl Rove & Machine Monkeyface and they crushed him underfoot like an insignificant & cheesy cockroach by using lies and personal attacks. Nothing has changed - if it's true now, then it was true then, and if it didn't matter then, then it doesn't matter now. Follow that? Doesn't matter, this one's easy - "deserve" is no reason to lead. If "deserve" is the only reason you have to render something to someone, then you are a seriously ethically flawed individual who might want to put his moral math under more careful scrutiny. Besides, "deserving" to lead sounds a lot like that stuff that our forefolks rebelled against that led to the formation of this country in the first place. I didn't think we liked that stuff.
Finally, let's talk about racism, one of the tools used against McCain by the Monkeyface's people, and being used so effectively by so many right now. Some of you will not vote for Barack Obama because he is black. Fuck intimations of the "race card" being played by either campaign, or McCain's stupid recent advertising, or Obama's remarks about how historical Presidents look. Fuck the media's overreaction to all of this, and fuck the limp, liberal, ivory tower, over-intellectualized national conversation about race and its effects on broad groups of people within the electorate. The simple fact is that some people irrationally hate black people, or think them inferior, or fear some kind of "black allegiance" wherein the rights of others are no longer protected, as black people "take over." (Remember, I have lived below the Mason-Dixon line for most of my life.) There are too many "nigger jokes" being recycled as Obama jokes within my earshot for me to believe otherwise, and besides, you can see xenophobia everywhere - from "border-jumping Mexicans" to "terrorist" Middle Easterners to the future black President, there's a lot of hate and fear of the alien going on. This is ignorant bullshit, and for most people, you're letting your lizard brain vote for you, and that's wrong. By all means, take your emotions into the voting box, but if your gut reactions to the unknown and unknowable make you an intolerant racist fuck, then do the whole country a favor, skip voting, and have yourself sterilized that day instead. A black President is the best thing that could happen to people like that.
Any other reasons people are voting wrong this year? Other than stuff like, "Cindy McCain is hot, though." I'd love to hear them on the rocklines, 737-ROCK, 737-ROLL, first ten callers get an Obama button. Or if you yourself are planning on voting wrong, I'd like the opportunity to point out to you where you're mixed up. After all, as I said at the beginning, I'm just providing a service, just trying to help out. Doing my part.
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