...to acknowledge my presence as a human being? I see you, you see me, I nod, wave, or say something, and you stalk on by, like an asshole on some asshole mission. I'm not looking for a curtsied Victorian-era introduction here, or a foil-embossed business card. No exchanges of fluids. Just a simple inclining of your chin will do. A quick nod. Just give some sign that you're aware that we're sharing the planet, you inconsiderate jerk.
...to hold a door for someone? Buy them a soda? Give 'em some help? Treat them human, no matter what fucking color they are or how much scratch they have, or where they come from? Sonofabitch, I'd swear you were raised by vampires or something, you sick little piece of shit.
...to signal before you turn? Often, the only indication I get is when you slam on your brakes. Of course, that's after you pulled out in front of me, only to slow down, and the execute the unsignalled turn a few moments later. I'd be relieved that you turned, but your clone's gonna pull out in front of me in a couple of seconds, and his car's going to be, sizewise, even more out of proportion to his driving ability than your big-ass oil-drinking death wagon.
...to wear clothes that fit you and cover your body and undergarments? You look like a circus clown, for chrissakes.
...to refrain from bringing up your gods & politics for just one day - try it. It's awkward for everyone when you keep bringing up your various weird beliefs.
...to be aware of your own limits when it comes to alcohol & drugs?
...to warn us about your ass-gas? You probably know whether you need to let other people know, so think it over. It's always nice to be able to avoid someone else's internal smells, instead of feeling like Han Solo inside the dead animal on Hoth.
...to turn down your stereo when you're parked outside my window? And your music sucks. Refine your fucking tastes, or turn your volume down.
...to just shut the fuck up occasionally, and let the rest of us appreciate a good silence? The signal to noise ratio is overwhelmingly tipped towards signal, and your mouthy ass isn't helping. If no one runs with your segue, try thinking for a few minutes. And not "thinking out loud," which is never actual thinking anyway. This almost feels unfair to ask of 21st Century Americans, but fuck you, I am not fair.
...to fake that you love your job? Or at least, not to actively engage me in chats about how much it sucks? The psychic price others pay for dealing with surly pricks all day is unquantifiable, but certainly huge. Buck up.
...to not shout over the phone? It's a phone, not two cups and a string, moron. I could hear you just fine until the blood started coming out of my ear, you loudmouthed shithead. Stop yelling.
...to not talk my ears off when I'm trying to concentrate? Or worse, read. Opening a book in a public place now is like putting up a sign that says "Talk to me, please - I crave human interaction, that's why I'm reading a book right now. Come interrupt." I'm seriously thinking of making some dustjackets that say "FUCK OFF" on them. Takers?
...to move when I say "excuse me?" Don't apologize - you didn't do anything wrong until you failed to move - just move. Thanks.
...to not bag one item at the store? I can carry one item. And definitely don't bag shit that's already in a bag. That makes me crazy. Bagging a loaf of bread, or a bag of chips? It's in a goddamn bag! "Do you need a bag for your bag?" Is that so I can feel all fancy when I get it home?
...to stay off your cellphone for ten fucking seconds, you self-important prick? In your car, while you're at work, at fucking meetings, in restaurants - I was tired of this shit ten years ago, and now it's worse. Probably brain damage from all the cell radiation. People with the brain capacity of a goldfish are being rendered next to useless, becoming an actual roadblock for the rest of humanity, because apparently, this call is really fucking important. And it never really is. If you happen to overhear the drivel these people spout, it's never even interesting, much less crucial. Get back to life, phonefucker!
...to not text while you're driving? Or doing anything else halfway more relevant? Think you could pay attention to your actual surroundings for half a fucking minute instead of taking the red pill again?
...not to point out how much I swear? If you people weren't so damned irritating, we wouldn't be having this conversation.
I'm going to go kiss my wife, and then sit in the dark, listening to my kids sleeping.
Cool tombstone generated by the tombstone generator.
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