The current President of the United States is a douchebag.
This week, the White House has requested that the Department of Justice get involved in checking out what the hell is going down with voting irregularities. In Ohio. Shit, fellas - that feels about four years late to me. Didn't we have some pretty serious irregularities there back in the big battle of '04? Yeah, I seem to remember some guy named Conkers or something, a lot of complaining about disenfranchisement, inadequate equipment, and having a Supervisor or two in your hip pockets. Yeah, there was this big report-type thingy, and even some loose talk about not counting Ohio's electoral votes, due to them being - what was it? Oh, yeah - HIGHLY FUCKING SUSPICIOUS. Yeah, that was it. But you see, the Monkeyface administration never thought to order the DOJ in on that one. Wonder why? Do we think it's because they're opportunistic greedhead pusbags collected around the sagging prolapsed ass of the chained-to-the-slab GOP elephant? Looks like a pretty clear-cut example of "I'll look into potential malpractice and possible vote-rigging in our supposedly free and fair elections when it suits me, and not otherwise." Which just makes the President of the United States a small-minded, petty little piece of chickenshit in the rain.