Yeah, you fucking suckers, we tricked you. You should have listened to your "crackpot" emails about Obama. But you didn't. They sounded so crazy, you dismissed them. And we were counting on that.
We got the big Liberal Leftist Militant Black Muslim Atheist Terrorist Anti-Christ Socialist Marxist Obama elected, and within days of him taking office, the SECRET LIBERAL AGENDA will come to pass through a series of executive orders, each more bone-chilling than the last, if you're a conservative American. First off, Dick Cheney and George Bush will be extracted from secret locations and/or Crawford, Texas, and will be paraded through the street naked in manacles before being forced to submit and bow at the feet of the new leader of the free world, who has two shoes, one for each of them to clean with his tongue. Dick will then be shot in the face while Bush is force-fed pretzels. After that, the Republican Party will continue its whirling descent into fractured madness, and will inevitably split into hundreds of tiny social issue based parties - the Right to Life Party, Americans for Jesus, the Anti-Gay Agenda, The Invisible Hand, White People for Change, and so on.
Smaller hate groups, in an attempt to mainstream, will split into more and more minuscule factions, eventually ceasing to exist. An ill-advised alliance between the Klan and Westboro's Fred Phelps leads to a surprise mass murder by Easter, wiping out the heads of both organizations. Meanwhile, the ACLU will become a part of the legislative branch of government.
Ann Coulter will be executed live during game three of the Stanley Cup series by the author of this blog, because blood bounces on ice. Method of execution: gagged and not allowed to speak - eventually, her little head will blow up. Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly and Rush Limbaugh will abandon their careers as pundits, and form a separatist state from part of what is now Montana. Swift and brutal government action will quash this rebellion, and the empty heads of all three men will be put on gleaming pikes behind the fence at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Barack Obama will consume the hearts of all three men, thus eating their eternal souls. During this, the Fox News Network will continue to flounder, as its predictions come to pass and it claims the pride of being right as it simultaneously drifts to center to avoid being culled. This will fail as Rupert Murdoch is extradited back to Australia, and Fox, MySpace, and the Dow Jones revert to American control. The producers of the Daily Show, together with Rachel Maddow, take over the news division at Fox, which drops its "Fair and Balanced" brand in favor of "Left is Right." A giant poster of Barack Obama is hung in the square of every major American city. USA Today ceases to exist, and infomercials are outlawed. Holy books are only allowed to be sold in specially designated stores.
Churches, the ones allowed to remain, will be taxed for 75% of total revenue, unless they wish to become legal non-profit charitable organizations and can demonstrate on paper that they funnel that amount into previously defined social improvement endeavors, such as feeding the hungry or providing clothing and housing to those in need of it. Religious broadcasting will become illegal under new FCC guidelines, and preaching will be confined to churches during the hours set aside for such behavior. Religious schools will have government oversight, and evangelical and missionary behavior will be tightly regulated under new provisions to the First Amendment. All mentions of deity will be removed from our official documents, history, buildings and currency. The White House creates a panel on Radical Islamic Exploration, and begins a dialogue with Al-Qaeda, discussing the effects of blowback. The 10 Commandments will actually be smashed by Reverend Jeremiah Wright after American Idol one evening, kicking off a 50 state tour where he eliminates all publicly displayed remaining copies of the Commandments with a sledgehammer bearing the seal of the Office of the President. Rev. Wright and TD Jakes will both have offices in the White House.
Same sex marriages are not only written into the Constitution of the United States, but the validity of "One Man, One Woman" comes under fire as well. Abortions are made legal and safe across the land, and many women become pregnant just so they can have a celebration abortion. The missionary position will be made illegal, as will any vocation which demands celibacy. The skies will blacken with smoke from your burning houses of worship and your sacred texts, and there will be perverted sex acts in public places. The streets will run with the fluids of passion.
The Pledge of Allegiance is now illegal.
Hawaii is allowed now to restore its monarchy, all the while maintaining the benefits of statehood. The breadbasket of the United States is declared tribal lands for all Native Americans, and flyover permission must now be granted by the newly formed United Tribes, who also have jurisdiction over drilling and mineral rights. A new EPA is formed with tribal elders at its head, and is now given final say over the dispensation of land for any purpose. While the States are still united, it is a forced arrangement no longer - imperialism is dead. Our borders are now open for free and easy immigration, so illegal immigration becomes a thing of the the past. A flood of Mexicans provides for the huge amount of labor improving our infrastructure will require during the changes, and whites quickly become a minority. A new "White Flight" across the Atlantic Ocean is written about.
Corporations are legally defined as "groups of people working together to produce a good or service for a profit that benefits the individuals in the group as well as the United States" and are then stripped of any other rights beyond this. Property rights will become a thing of the past, and once a week a group of people in trucks will come and audit the inventory of your homes and bank accounts. If it is found that you have more than you need, your wealth will of course be redistributed. Universal health care will become a right, but along with it will come restrictive but perfectly common sense rules about living a healthy life if you want to stay in the program. Get ready for a sober, non-smoking, vegan America. On bikes, probably.
William Ayers is made Secretary of Homeland Security, and immediately draws up a "to go" list. Urban renewal involving large segments of the military industrial complex follows hard upon. The Black Panthers replace the Secret Service as Presidential Security detail, and each major city is required to have a branch office of Panthers for the purposes of Presidential visits. Local police forces are now run by the Panthers in coalition with the Nation of Islam, and every citizen must complete three years of domestic peacekeeping service.
What else? Oh, yeah. Weed is legal, sex ed will be taught to pre-schoolers using porn, we're giving your job to a black guy, Spanish is printed on everything, your car's a hybrid, Gays and Jews control everything, your kids have dyed hair and listen to crap music, we're putting Hillary in as Secretary of Health and Kerry in over at Defense; in short, it's your worst nightmare.
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