'Cause you know, I'm all about spirit.
First of all, happy El Dia de los Muertos. Go out and respect your dead.
Secondly, it has recently come to my attention that Kirbyjon Caldwell, one of the Monkeyface's spiritual advisors and pastor of a megachurch in Texas, the man who married Jenna Bush to her beau, is endorsing Barack Obama for the Presidency of the United States. This is not a new endorsement - he's been supporting him since the primaries. So, one of God's mouthpieces in the ear of the President (and I don't know how many he has - could be just the one, might be a little evangelical coffee klatch for all I know) is endorsing the candidate of the oppositional party, the one who will reverse what this President has wrought, the one who is running on a platform of change, and that change being directed at the current bullshit, which one could easily argue was instigated by the primacy of the Monkeyface.
Like a mesa of mashed potatoes, this means something.
It could be a black thing, but I feel it's irresponsible to dismiss it as such - that would make me more like Rush Limbaugh, and Rush and I already have cigars, fluctuating weight and painkillers in common, so I'm not looking for any more connections there.
No, what I wonder is this: The President, by all accounts, is (now) a deeply spiritual man, who talks to God...and God talks back, I guess. The advice of his advisors should be treated with respect, I would think. He only has them because he needs them, he seeks their counsel to gather opinions about matters of the spirit which would - in theory - inform his decisions. So, if one of his advisors endorses Obama, isn't that by necessity a rejection of his last eight years of work? Sort of like an invalidation of the Bush Presidency? And shouldn't that give him pause? Isn't he required to take that seriously?
Or - it's all just a pile of shit; they're all hypocrites and liars, and they do whatever's politically expedient and whatever suits them at the time. That's probably more like it, yeah?