Especially when it's trotted out for weekend news programs by desperate people at the end of their time and ability to effect any kind of lasting changes. Last weekend, Laura Bush and Condi Rice tried spewing one more last venomous lie at the stupidest segment of the American public - the lowest common denominator of proto-human still clinging to any kind of hope or respect for the (soon to be remembered by people spitting on the ground) Monkeyface administration. As the sinking, dangerously listing ship of State prepares at last to dock with harbor, authorities holding people back from the bay's edge while the USS Clusterfuck burns across the water on a slick of blood and oil, two of the occupants would have you believe that a large majority of seasick Americans vomiting profusely over the side as this wreck of maladjustment comes lurching into port are mistaken, and that everything is going according to plan, the captain's not a drunken fuckwit surrounded by pirates on this vessel, it's all cool, this was how we plotted our voyage into history.
Well, I call "bullshit" on this duo of delusional bitches.
The next time any Republican, but most specifically a GOP woman, tries to argue that the voice of women on the right is not marginalized, tries to argue that the Republicans have strong women in their party, too, and even more egregious, points to either of these two easily-led puppets as an example, you smack them with the Frying Pan of Truth right across the face, laugh, and run the fuck away. You don't want to be associated with a liar like that. They are saying what they have been told to say, they are towing the party line. The GOP needs to swap their pachyderm for a lemming, because that is the behavior they goddamn embody. Let's haul the bullshit out and have a smell;
Laura, when asked about people who think her spouse's turn as Chief Executive was a miserable, ugly stillborn failure of a thing which should have been kicked down the cellar steps and never been allowed to the see the light of day: "Well, I know it's not. And so I don't really feel like I need to respond to people that view it that way." Well, that's an example of faith, folks. No logic there. No more thought than goes into a "God Said It, I Believe It, That Settles It" bumper fucking sticker. She knows what she knows, and she's not discussing it with anyone who doesn't believe it. No information going out, none coming in. She's a closed system, America. And really - you would be, too. Imagine that you wake up every bright, cool morning filled with promise, roll over and see an arrogant pile of failure next to you in the bed. She probably represses one homicidal urge towards that monkey fuck once a day. I bet the Secret Service watches her like a gaunt turkey buzzard.
No, hands down, Condi's a lot worse. With no excuses left, not only is she defending the maladministration, she's still trying to order motherfuckers around; "Generations pretty soon are going to start to thank this president for what he's done. This generation will." Fuck that noise coming out of your useless mouth, you piss-licking bulldog bitch. You can't tell us what we will and will not do - "this generation" my whole ass. Which things are we going to be thanking him for? The protracted, unnecessary two-front war? The economy, robbed and raped by his compadres? The complete and total loss of respect from the rest of the world? But apparently, Bush is not ours to judge;
"Any historians already criticizing Bush aren't very good historians; Good historians are still writing books about George Washington. Good historians are certainly still writing books about Harry Truman." Apparently, the ability of good historians to look up from their exhaustive and never-finished tomes about Washington and Truman and accurately assess what the fuck is happening around them because they possess the proper historical knowledge and frame of reference has been conveniently overlooked. Basically, she seems to me to be asserting that people hate this President so much that they can't be objective about him, and it will take successive generations to properly distance themselves from what is an otherwise blinding rage. This begs the question: Why do they hate him so much? BECAUSE HE FUCKING SUCKS, THAT'S WHY! Bleagh. This was my favorite thing she said, though, proving what a competent and capable diplomat and analyst she can truly be. Speaking about the Mideast & the failed talks from back in '07:
"We're leaving this in a lot better shape than we found it. We're leaving a negotiating forum where Palestinians and Israelis have said they have confidence that they will reach agreement - I think this is in much better shape than we found it." Wow. It'd be funny if it weren't for this.
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