January 22nd, 2009, is when most of you will read this. It is the day that two crap amendments to the Metro charter show up on the ballot. The aim of these two ballots is make English the primary language of business and government in Metro-Davidson County, and to restrict circumstances in which translations must be provided. (No, you are not having deja vu, I did do this argument once already.) Amazingly enough, there are still proponents of this thing willing to argue that they are not, in fact, xenophobic assholes bent on restricting the activities of others because they feel some kind of deep need to more narrowly define what it is to be an American, or, failing that, because they have a gut-wrenching annoyance/paranoia about the encroaching non-homogeneity of our culture. ("Omigod! Mexicans! RUN! They've already lowered their cars and pants - what might they do to the tone?") These people, all white as the driven snow, are delusional. They have mustered their arguments of convenience in a big pile to shield their racism and isolationist social tendencies. Fuck them, and fuck their arguments, too. Shall we?
"Well, it'll save us money in the long run, on things like additional signage and translators." As a signmaker, let me point out that almost any dual verbiage you see on interior or exterior signs is mandated by either the ADA, OSHA or EEOC - all federal fucking agencies, so you can't outlaw what they demand with local bullshit like this. In addition, this hogwash about translators has two major problems: First, why do you want to disenfranchise translators in a struggling economy, and second, you calculate the savings at $100,000 a year. This special election (staged by "special" people, natch) is costing the taxpayers of our fair city $350,000, and that's not counting what it will cost to defend legal challenges to this clunker. So you expect us to reap the savings in what - 10 years? Thanks for nothing, fuckwits. Fuck this argument. Next!
"It's not exclusionary, it's inclusive, compelling people to learn English." Yeah, it's exactly inclusive like a goddamn hug. Look, I agree with the point that people who live in America should want to learn English - it's the best, most efficient way to acquire information here. Making it a law that shit will be unavailable to you unless you do? Yeah, that engenders goodwill. Why would you want to force someone to pick up your mother tongue when the first thing they're going to want to do with it is bitch you out in a way that you will well & truly understand? Stupid, pseudo-crunchy rationalization from a group of locos pendejos grande. Next!
"It's entitlement to provide these special services to non-Anglophones, and empowering to take them away." The next white person I hear fucking kvetching about entitlement needs to be taken out, horsewhipped, fucked nearly to death by wolverines, and then ridden out of town on rail studded with broken glass & coated with fire ants and habenero peppers. Arrogance, just shouted into the wind, that's all this is. Teach a man to fish, and he'll eat for a lifetime, tell a man he has to fish as directed by law, and he'll rankle at your interference, tell you to go fuck yourself, and find a way around your stupid rules, if the State Supreme Court doesn't beat him to it. Finally, I fail to see how government regulation makes us less dependent on government. Bleagh. Next.
"English is the language of commerce. If immigrants can't speak it, they're likely to be taken advantage of, or simply not be part of the system." Oh, so it's white man's burden again, then? Time to educate your underprivileged brother so's he can stay in the game? I have pulled out my Bullshit Megaphone, and I address you through it thusly; If you are truly embracing an economic argument for this (and I doubt that you are, suspecting that this is another dodge of the facts) then you should be willing to also embrace a laissez-faire position in regards to self-correction within the economic system. More simply, out of deference to people who make this shit up - if someone wants to participate, they will learn how. If not, they won't. If they are taken to the cleaners (who are also probably immigrants to this country) then they will fix it next time. Self correction requires no intervention on your part, especially when you seek to limit the options of individuals. I bitch slap this argument with Adam Smith's Invisible Hand. Next!
"English first movements don't make us look unfriendly and unwelcoming to the rest of the world. It'll be good for business, despite the $135 million annually tourists from all over the world funnel into our economy, and the global businesses that currently find us attractive." This one is a desperate lifeline from conservatives to other conservatives, and almost not worth mentioning, other than in the context of highlighting not only their ignorant hatred of the "other" but also their greed. There are righties who will vote this down because they're worried about conversations local government would no longer be able to have in Japanese or German with Japanese investment groups or the VW people, respectively, and not because it's principally wrong. And if they don't think the rest of the world is paying attention, then their worlds are very small indeed. I choke on your lack of morality. Next!
Anything else? Yeah. There is. I got the fact that we voted this down once already, I got Teddy Roosevelt being invoked by the English Firsters who obviously don't have anything more current from a respected leader, so they had to reach backward through 90 years of more progressive thinking to bring us this obsolete & outmoded idea of America, and I got the fact that the "official language" by law and charter and official fucking document of the city of Nashville and state of Tennessee is already English, so what the hell is this shit for, other than to send a message to people who you feel are taking over a limited geographic area that never belonged to you in the first place.
So, if you're voting on the 22nd in Nashville, Vote Against the English Only Amendments and strike a blow against pointless xenophobia and delusional pricks. I wish I could do something funnier there with "blow" and "pricks" in the same sentence, but I'm tired now. Feel free to translate the Squidbag into any language for wider dissemination.
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