Which, as the title refers to my personal experience, is obviously going to be a bit of hyperbole. There are definitely worse kinds of sexism in the world than what I am about to address - especially with shit like this going on - this one's just irking several hues of fecal matter out of me at the present time. Well, not right this very minute, but you know what I mean.
Because it's more prevalent in my experiences than any other kind. It's this kind: A dispute / conversation / hammering out of ideas will be ongoing, and there will be people of both sexes participating in the conversation. As women speak and air their ideas, men will nod, verbally assent and move ahead with discussion, and at the end, do whatever the hell they were going to do anyway. And the kicker is - they always were. They were never really listening, just paying lip service and pretending that her POV was actually useful & equal. It wasn't. It never was - "you just have to listen to them and then you can do your own thing."
A basic tacit assumption is made here, where women are assumed up front to behave a certain way, and come with certain baggage / emotional characteristics that makes their opinions invalid when dealing with certain situations - in the mind of the sexist male. Because of the society in which he lives, he has to at least hear what she has to say, but no one can make him take it onboard, so he doesn't. He never will, because he assumes there are situations in which a woman's opinion is somehow not valid, doesn't count - she couldn't understand, or the worst one: she's too emotional.
This is a crock of shit and makes me want to punch guys in the face because there's no getting through to them any other way. That might just be my emotional Y chromosome talking, though - suggestions or comments? I promise they will be regarded with equal weight regardless of the genitals you possess.
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