Would you ever use a wine-based condiment called Chardonnaise? Whipped eggs, oil - fine wine. No? What if it tasted really good and/or could get you drunk? Gettin' hammered on rye over the lunch break?
When you touch/see/smell something really gross, is it the thing itself that grosses you out, or the idea of the thing? Like picking up an eyeball - it's either the wet firm/not firm factor, or it's the "hey, this is someone's eyeball." Say you stepped in a turd with bare feet - is it the squishy warm brownness, or the idea of a thing, teeming with germs and bacteria squirted out of an ass that disgusts you? Or is it this paragraph?
If you were a god, what would you be doing differently? Along those lines, of you could be in charge of a country, would it be this one, or would you take the opportunity to whip a little fascism or religious intolerance on some people?
Think of someone with whom you're really tight. What would they have to do for you to not speak to them ever again? I mean, presumably, you're cool with each other now because you're counting on them not opening Davy Jones' locker of deplorable behavior, but what's the thing that you think they could do that would be the absolute living end? Cheat on you? Kill someone? Lies and betrayal? Peeing in the sink? When the dishes were in it?
What do think your spouse or S.O. will be like in ten years? How different are they now from 10 years ago? Do you think we change more as we get older, less, or not at all? Do people change, or do they just learn to repress, hide, and bury better as they become more adept at getting along?
Is there anything so abstract or ridiculous that it cannot be fashion? Fighting terrorism was fashionable, now change is the big thing. Coming out of the closet is still cool, but there was a time when it was more fashionable, I think. Lesbians seem to be more in fashion than gay guys right now, too. Green's in fashion now, but I still see a lot of Hummers and small, small people behind the giant pirate ship wheels of SUVs. I don't even know what retro-era we're in right now.
When I was a younger man, the conceit of many people around me was that I liked being right. This was to some degree true, although for me it was more important to not open my mouth until I felt I had thought things through, which led to my being right perhaps more than others would have liked. The rest was pure-D arrogance. Now? Now, I could give a shit. I can't stand it when people talk complete bullshit, so I tend to wade in and step on that, but otherwise, I don't mind being wrong. I usually learn something. If I'm wrong too many times in a row it can bother me, as I begin to reflect on past head injuries. In point of fact, being right is often a burden these days as two things occur more often than not: 1. there is resentment on the part of the other parties involved, often accompanied by drama, or 2. I develop long and slow-boiled contempt for people who are wrong and who take it out on others. The exchange of ideas is interesting, but I find that most people don't barter in ideas.
My neck hurts now and it's one AM.
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