I remember hearing about this once back in the early Spring - apparently in early March, according the multitude of sources - and, I am sad to say, it fell by the wayside in my mind. There was a lot for me to do, and a wave of other human atrocities and challenges that overwhelmed it, I guess. Naturally, I'm offended and appalled by a large number of things about this. Where to start?
Let's begin with General Anonymous Douchebag, a very good place to start. We have a "senior Egyptian general" admitting that humilating and violating "virginity checks" were done on female protestors back during the Egyptian troubles, basically to cover his own ass, and because these women, in his snake-like eyes, are a bunch of cheap sluts, sleeping in tents with men, "not like your daughter or mine." I hope that my daughter someday is inspired by the example of these women you tried to humiliate, you pompous fucksnot, because they fought for what they believed in and even now will not be silenced. Make up what passes for your mind, you piece of scurrilous filth; were you checking for hymens or drugs and bombs? Get your fucking excuses straight before you parade around in your bullshit suit, prick.
"We didn't want them to say that we sexually assaulted them," so we sexually assaulted them. George Orwell just spun 1,984 times in his grave, General Cowardly Sexist Testicle. Let's see - you tasered her and beat her up, called her a whore, and all so she wouldn't say you sexually assaulted her. And then you topped all that off with an invasive examination by a male doctor in front of armed witnesses. Somebody found a leftover Nazi interrogation guide, yeah? "No, no - chapter four, that's the one with the "Virginity Exam." Do that one." All this so that no one would say that you sexually assaulted them.
And it didn't work. Salwa Hosseini has more guts than one thousand of your armed thugs, General Jackhole, because here she is, on the world stage, telling everyone what the fuck you did in a secluded holding cell where no one could see. She hopes, and I hope, that since human decency is so far beyond your capabilities, that you, and monsters like you, will pull the one jewel of fact out of this: Intimidation is not foolproof. People stand up for themselves and what they know is right, to point the finger at what is wrong. And while we know that General Shit-for-Brains makes no distinction, perhaps he will abandon this practice if it does not work.
Maybe it's time to re-evaluate Egyptian attitudes towards women entirely.
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