Linda Harvey (who seems to have no real biography anywhere on the Internet but does Tweet, though) is a conservative Christian right-wing radio host out of Ohio who represents something she and some other people made up called Mission: America which exists solely to fight "political correctness," which they blame for a lot of what is wrong with America in their collective opinions, and also to step on the rights of others, specifically gay people, when they can agree that they even exist.
Before I attack Linda Harvey, I'd like anyone who wants to go on and argue that The Squidbag is on the side of political correctness. Anyone? Go right ahead. I've got all day.
Okay. Linda here is the worst kind of provacateur, amatuerishly roaming the nation stirring up shit with anyone who is dumb enough to listen to her or take her remotely seriously. She's a bitch with multiple axes to grind, and her followers are all representative of that particular brand of easily led sheep that listen the sort of crap assmouths like Linda spew out into our collective thought pool. This week, Linda encouraged her listeners not to take their children to doctors who might be gay, because, you know, if they exist, they could make your non-gay kid gay, at least until Linda's people could reclaim them for fucked-in-the-brains-straight-Christians. This is just the pulsing, dripping tip of her anti-gay hategenda, which also includes (again, when she can agree that gay people exist at all) suggestions that gay people should not hold any job that involves children, thinks Uganda's anti-gay bill is a good idea (and "their business"), and finally, in an inelegant little piece of knotted performance art, that the "gay agenda" is responsible for gay teen suicides. Oh sure, the bullies are a problem, but they've always been there. It's this new gay trend that's killing people.
Not just gay things infuriate Linda, though (although she says Christians are not required to love gay people); she's also a supporter of Holocuast denier/revisors, someone who thinks witchcraft is a really big problem in America, thinks everyone should pledge allegiance to the flag with the God part left in there, and that Jesus supports the US military. Also, if you're religious and not like her, you're wrong, because you're called by God to do what she does, namely, being a fucking lunatic for Christ. She also says (sort of) it's okay to judge people, which is handy; she should have no problem with what I had to say about her, then. There's more, but I'm not citing it - you can go read around the site like I did.
She's got followers and supporters like Tim "Left Behind" LaHaye, Rev. Donald "Two Knobs on the Radio" Wildmon and Dr. James Dobson and they resort to the same kind of tortured-into-shape half-arguments that she does, like these - reporting on the article that some people watching a same sex kiss in a program at a high school were weirded out without publishing the follow up article (about a follow up performance) where the crowd reactions seems a lot less negative. They also report bricks thrown through a Christian organization's window as a "hate crime" without treating the anti-gay function that was going on in there when that happened as a motivation. This one's particularly convoluted, as they'd like this to be investigated and prosecuted under hate crime legislation that they wish did not exist. Finally, Muslim involvement at Occupy Wall Street counts as the inclusion of terrorists at that event.
So: I urge you to flood Linda's Twitter feed with tweets, especially if you're gay, so she knows you exist. Long emails are good, and comments are always nice. I think Linda needs to hear the alternative point of view more often, if for no other reason than to make her deal with it some form.
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