Recently, this was posted on The Facebook where I could see it (I'm sure it's been around for a while, it's just that I'm just now seeing it), and I made the mistake of attempting to become involved in a discussion about it without first realizing that there would be no discussion, simply people who want to hit their kids half-assedly justifying their positions.
Argument one for spanking: "I got beat as a kid and I turned out okay." Well. You turned out as a droning punk who needs to use a proxy to belittle other people on Facebook and who thinks it's okay to hit kids, apparently, so that's debatable at best. If you want to raise kid-hitting assholes, then go forth and spank, I guess.
Argument two for spanking: The Biblical One, which I have previously mentioned that I will no longer respect or refute, because it is a waste of time and a disservice to breath and life to pretend that people who are using a 2000-year-old aphorism of dubious origin as a parenting guide are using compassion or thought to raise their kids, so fuck them in the spanked ass with a switch, I haven't got time for their invisible friend justification.
That's it. That's what they've got; these two arguments are the two horns on the bullhead of kid-whacking rationale as espoused by people who are apparently dumbfucked in the skull parts enough to be outwitted by children. Seriously, as I mentioned in the Facebook thread, the day that I can't outthink my kids, they're raised. These are the people who hit their kids because they want to, and connections between that ritualized humiliation and adult erotic spanking be damned. They don't care that there's no proof that it really works, they've got the Bible and a ridiculous "I'm okay," argument, and that's all they need. Two things: the pain and humiliation cocktail of traditional spanking is fucked up; physical correction is largely unnecessary and should be relegated to whacks to stop them hurting themselves (swatting a kid's hand away from knives and fire, for example) and genial, not-hard, expected cuffs around the back of the head. Corrections without the punishment, so they do right because they're supposed to and not because they're afraid of you.
I got switched, belted, paddled and spanked. I was smacked in the face by authority more than once, too, because I had (have) a very big fucking mouth. You know what happens when someone bigger and older than you hits you? It changes your relationship to them forever. You internalize a giant "fuck you" for them and anyone else who thinks they can bully you into correct behavior, and that expresses itself in as many ways as there are children. Spanking: another example of traditions being used by those who can't think their way out of anything.
While dealing with these people who you wish didn't have children, I happened upon another ongoing discussion between childless people tired of justifying why they don't have children. Wow. I didn't even know that this was a thing, but there was a whole opinion piece in the Times and everything.
Okay, if you're one of the people that I know and you don't have kids? I don't care. I don't care why or anything. It's totally up to you, seriously. Great if you have 'em, great if you don't. I mean, I'm glad somebody's having some; we need as many evolutionary chances as we can get, but I cannot fathom wanting to be involved in someone else's personal affairs like that. "Whassmatta, Melman? Prong busted? Where's a passel of rugrats leaping out of your wife's cub-hatch?" I hate people on both sides of this one, though: You've got your invasive, noisy prick asking you about your personal decisions, and then you've got people defending their rationales. If you say anything other than "noneya" when asked why you don't have kids, you walked into the trap. Enjoy the trap, stay a while.
Fuck. Just when I think the wheel-spinners have wasted all the oxygen they can...
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