Max is eleven years old today. Right now. Step back and experience the elevenness.
At eleven, he's old enough to get the above reference. His big eleven-year-old plans for this morning? He's requested grits for breakfast and he got up and snuck downstairs to watch Looney Tunes before anyone else got up. After the rest of our household rises, we're packing up and driving to North Carolina today to see two of Max's favorite people, Carissa and Eric, get married tomorrow. We'll be hanging in the Autumnal mountain air with friends, having cake and presents and then he gets a week off from school courtesy the Fall Break we didn't have when I was eleven. Or twelve. Or ever.
Because his birthday's getting kind of eaten by this other thing, we're also doing cake and stuff next weekend, and little stuff maybe next week - it'll be a Birthday Celepaloozastravaganza.
Max's room is such a reflection of his personality at this point that I actually wrote an essay about it for a class this semester. It's like his mind exploded in there. He's sticking with his percussion well, making new friends at his new school and will be teaching origami to Abby's Girl Scout Troop next month. His book tastes have started to develop past the point where he needs suggestions, and his various projects have completely conquered his living space.
His favorite TV show right now is Gravity Falls, and when the assignments from his band teacher ran to the boring, he taught himself the theme song from the show on the bells. His favorite superhero is still Green Lantern, but he's more about the whole gamut of the various Corps and the mythology of their universe than any one particular Lantern. He's having a Lego renaissance right now, having not touched them for a while, and tends to "improve" the suggested projects as he does them. He often listens to college radio in his room, but also enjoys (lately) the Orb, ska, They Might be Giants and Nirvana. He loves his dog and wishes she obeyed him more, and has been trying with his bow and Nerf guns to become a better shot.
He's kind and considerate and curious and sensitive, this last often to the point where he loses patience with me when I'm not tolerant enough of others. You can see how this might happen. He's fully his own person, which is what every parent hopes for, and I love him completely and wish him the happiest of birthdays.
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