Yesterday was my daughter's seventh birthday. So she's like, all seven and stuff now.
Yesterday was also her last (half) day of the first grade (they had a class luau), and she got picked up by her BFFs mom and taken to see the movie Epic. They then went to see her friend dance, at which point she and the friend were dropped off for sleepover. Then, every other little girl in the world showed up. Okay, just four more and two older ones, but the noise was tremendous. A good time was had. Cake and homemade pizzas were consumed. A pinata happening spewed candy and wrappers can be found everywhere today. Gifts were opened and played with, and then sleeping over occurred, with the last ones not crashing until sometime in the 1 to 2am slot. So - a good solid birthday, I think, mostly put together by Abby's mom, though parts were played by all. Some questions and observations:
- Nerds candy should be a contraband item. (Peggy Guy, your curse on me has come to fruition!)
- So should blue cake frosting.
- I think girls in close quarters are louder than boys in close quarters. Both of my kids are pretty loud, and I haven't done the research with controls and all, but still.
- I'm not sure what it means when a party where there's crying, icepacks, throwing up, insomnia, slamming doors and blood (though not a lot of any of this) is still a unanimously agreed-upon success. An adaptability of children' thing? Practice for college parties?
- This new Play-Doh "Plus" is weird.
- Small people playing "zombie attack" in my backyard makes me smile.
- Girls share stuff better than boys do. Mostly.
- My daughter takes up about twice as much space when she sleeps as does the rest of the time.
Abby at 7 loves art and math. She gets really attached to some people, loves hugs and hates good-byes. She still has what I identify as my temperment, which makes her sometimes appear short-tempered and moody, but that's only because you haven't been following the story. She has really strong and stubborn opinions about things and definite ideas about how things should work. She still likes it when I dry her hair. She wants to help with chores. She loves cute and fuzzy things - her favorite new TV show is Too Cute, which sometimes makes her cry. She cried a little when C got her Master's because she was "so proud." Her favorite books are the Judy Moody and Stink books, and we're getting through the Goddess Girl series right now, taking turns reading. She has better relationships with our neighbors than anyone else in our house.
I think she's awesome. And tall, with big monster feet, because it makes her laugh when I say that. For a little while longer.
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